Hello children, welcome to the New Wonders International Kids English KET Word of the Day. Sister and Wandar are here to meet with you again!

Today, let’s learn a new word together: phone

Many of you already know that phone means “telephone.”

phone telephone

But today, we want to learn a few other ways to use “phone” with the help of Wandar from New Wonders.

We carry our mobile phone when we go out. A mobile phone is a phone that you can take with you.

mobile mobile

mobile phone cell phone



With a smartphone, we can take photos, shop, and even learn English together with Wandar from New Wonders! It’s so convenient!

Wandar also wants to know how to say “接电话” and “挂电话” in English.

To pick up the phone and answer the phone have the same meaning!

pick up the phone answer the phone

To hang up the phone means to end a call, or to put the phone down.

hang up the phone

Let’s review:

We learned a lot of new words with Wandar today! Did you remember them all, children? Let’s review:

phone telephone

mobile phone cell phone

answer the phone pick up the phone

hang up the phone

Wandar can’t wait to share with mom and dad:

I like taking photos with my smartphone.

The phone was ringing.

Mum went to answer the phone.

A few minutes later, she hung up the phone. (hung is the past tense of hang)


