Hello friends, today I want to share with you a few useful Excel tips.

1. Set Column Width in Millimeters

By default, in Excel, the row heights and column widths are in points. When you drag the column to adjust its width, the dimensions will be shown in both points and pixels, as in the image below:

If you want to set the row height in millimeters, you can do so by clicking on the “Page Layout” view button and then setting the row height and column width in centimeters with a precision of 0.02 centimeters.

2. Add Borders to the Input Content

Select the cell range where you want to input data, for example, A2:C100, and then click on “Home” → “Conditional Formatting” → “New Rule” → “Use a formula…”. In the formula editor box, enter the following formula:


Click on the “Format” button, and in the “Format Cells” dialog box that appears, choose a border color and click on the “Outline” button. Finally, click “OK” to close the dialog box.

After setting this up, when you enter content, Excel will automatically add borders to it.

3. Copy Chart Format in One Click

After you’ve spent a lot of time setting up a chart, how do you quickly apply the style to another chart? Simple! Right-click on the chart you’ve just set up and copy it. Then, click on the other chart where you want to apply the style and use the paste options.

4. Convert Between Traditional and Simplified Chinese Without Issues

For those who work in joint ventures, you probably often run into the issue of converting between traditional and simplified Chinese. How do you do it?

  • Step 1: Right-click on any tab → Customize Ribbon
  • Step 2: In the “Excel Options” dialog box that appears, go to “Add-Ins”
  • Step 3: Select “COM Add-Ins” → “Go…” and then check “Chinese Conversion Add-In” in the dialog box
  • Step 4: Select the data range, go to “Review” → “Trad. to Simpl.” and you’re done!

5. Convert Single Column to Multiple Columns

As shown in the picture below, in order to make it easier to print, you need to convert the names in column A to multiple rows and columns.

6. Adjust Line Spacing Within a Cell

If you want to adjust the line spacing of different lines within the same cell, it’s actually quite simple:

All right, that’s all for today. I hope you all have a great day!

Created by: Zhu Hongzhong