

– She has a fine collection of jewelry. 她有一套精美的珠宝。

– The weather is fine today. 今天的天气很好。

– He looks very fine. 他看起来很健康。


– This is a perfect day. 今天是个完美的一天。

– She is a perfect example of a dedicated student. 她是一个勤奋学生的完美典范。

– The meal was absolutely perfect. 这顿饭完美无缺。


– She has a fine taste in art. 她在艺术品味很好。

– The weather is fine today. 今天的天气很好。

– He looks fine in that suit. 他穿那套西装看起来很不错。


This is a perfect example. 这是一个完美的例子。

– The dress is perfect for the occasion. 这条裙子非常适合这个场合。

– The meal was absolutely perfect. 这顿饭完美无缺。


– He had to pay a fine. 他得付罚款。

– The weather is fine today. 今天的天气很好。

– Are you feeling fine? 你感觉身体怎么样?


– He wants everything to be perfect. 他希望一切都完美

– The painting is perfect. 这幅画是完美的。

– The job itself is a perfect fit for her. 这份工作真是她的完美选择。


– The weather today is better than yesterday. 今天的天气比昨天的好。

– I am feeling perfect now, I think it can’t get any better. 我现在感觉很完美,我认为不能再好了。

– This cake tastes better than the one I had last time. 这个蛋糕比我上次吃的要好。

– This is the best idea I’ve ever heard. 这是我听过的最好的主意。


1. She has a _______ (fine/perfect) collection of jewelry.

2. The weather is _______ (fine/perfect) today.

3. He doesn’t feel _______ (fine/perfect) today.

4. This cake tastes _______ (fine/perfect).

5. She dances _______ (better/best) than me.

6. He is the _______ (better/best) dancer on the team.

答案:1.fine 2.fine 3.fine 4.perfect 5.better 6.best
