
a piece of cloth with a distinctive design or symbol representing a country or organization旗,旗帜;

Kids waved flags to greet the teachers.孩子们挥舞着旗帜,欢迎老师们。

PS: (Word roots are not omnipotent, but understanding of word roots and initial word meanings + reinforcement in context = omnipotent)

flag /flæɡ/ n. 旗,旗帜;

Word root breakdown:

This word carries the same meaning as “fl” we previously discussed, representing the sound of flapping or fluttering. It is an onomatopoeic word root, imitating the swaying of a flag in the air.

Remember one meaning at a time, and memorize other meanings when you encounter it again. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

My knowledge is limited, please leave a message if there are any mistakes.

Note: The pictures are related to the word or phrase