《Just For You》


小毛怪系列绘本我们之前分享了几个,今天还是这个系列中的故事,名字叫《Just For You》,第一人称的表达,让主人公小毛怪的形象更接地气,读起来更有亲切感,这一次,她想为妈妈做些特别的事情,但不总是事事顺利,还可能把它搞砸了,但是妈妈一定从中感受到了他的用心。


When morning came, it was my desire to prepare breakfast especially for you…


but the eggs were too slippery.


I wished to wipe the floor especially for you,


but the soap was too bubbly.


I aimed to tidy up the dishes especially for you,


but the floor was too wet.


I wanted to transport the groceries especially for you,


but the bag broke.


I devoured my sandwich especially for you,


but not my crusts.


I desired to take a nap especially for you,


but the bed was too springy.

However, the bed was too elastic.

I desired to trim the lawn just for you,

Just for you, I wanted to mow the lawn,

but I was still too small.

Yet, I was still too little.

I plucked an apple just for you,

I wanted to pick an apple for you,

but I got hungry on the way home.

Yet I got hungry on the way back.

I wanted to lay the table just for you,

I wanted to set the table for you,

but the TV was too noisy.

However, the TV was too loud.

I wanted to avoid splashing in the bathtub just for you…

I didn’t want to splash in my bath just for you…

but there was a heavy storm.

But there was a downpour.

I intended to do something extremely special,

I wanted to do something really special,

just for you.

just for you.

And I achieved it.

And I succeeded.