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Spring Equinox, an absolute egalitarian.

As spring progresses, temperatures become mild, with the length of day and night being equal.

Spring Equinox, a day for planting and sowing.

Tending fields, sowing seeds, farming gradually becomes busy.

At this time, the spring sunshine becomes abundant, the spring breeze gentle, flowers compete for attention, and vitality is abundant.

The thick greenery between heaven and earth manifests the vigorous vitality.

Producer: Fu Hua

Chief Planner: Zhou Zongmin

Supervisor: Yan Tao, Shang Jun, Xing Peiyu

Overall Planning: Wang Lu

Producer/Planner: Lin Yu

Editors: Chen Yi, Ai Siqi, Mi Ke, Zeng Ying, Zhang Yibin, Liu Yanxia

Produced by China Xinhua News Television (CNC)

Produced by Xinhua News Agency International Communication Convergence Platform
