Homemade Corn and Pork Ribs Soup

Author: MiraMiira


  • Pork ribs (適量)
  • Corn (2)
  • Carrots (2)
  • Green onions (適量)
  • Ginger (適量)
  • Sichuan peppercorns (適量)
  • Salt (適量)
  • Water (適量)
  • Cooking wine (適量)


  1. Rinse pork ribs and set aside.
  2. Wash and cut corn and carrots into bite-sized chunks.
  3. Add pork ribs to a pot and boil. Add cooking wine and Sichuan peppercorns to remove any gamey flavor.
  4. Slice green onions and ginger.
  5. Place corn, carrots, pork ribs, green onions, and ginger into a pot.
  6. Add water until it covers the ingredients.
  7. Season with salt to taste.

8. 缩短烹饪时间:时间不足时,可使用高压锅,待上气后压煮30分钟即可。具体时间视食材份量而定。

9. 品尝美味玉米汤:等候时间结束后,即可享用美味的玉米汤。

10. 点缀提香:撒入葱花点缀,提升玉米炖排骨的香味。
