
across 和 through 的区别





across 和 through 的中文含义均为“通过”、“穿过”,甚至两者的英文词条解释都为 from one side to another。混淆也就情有可原。

across 和 through 的使用场景

  • across


From one side to the other of a surface.


I ran across the street.

Travelling across Europe.

  • through


① Moving in one side and out of the other side of an opening or passage.


Stepping boldly through the doorway.

② So as to make a hole or opening in a physical object


The lorry smashed through a brick wall.

③ Moving around or from one side to the other with a crowd or group.


Making my way through the guests.

④ So as to be perceived from the other side of an intervening obstacle.


The sun was streaming in through the window.


从词条解释可以看出,through 的应用场景更为具体,主要有以下四种情况:穿越通道、破墙而入、人群穿行、穿过或越过障碍物。

而 across 仅仅强调从一边到另一边。事实上,这一说法也有具体的定义,下文将详细阐述。across 表示穿越一个物体的表面,从一端到另一端。


  • 第一组

I went ACROSS the desert.

I went THROUGH the desert.

从语境上看,这两个句子都可以正确使用,具体取决于具体情况。如果你从沙漠的一端出发,一路走到另一端,那么你可以说 you go “across” the desert。如果你在沙漠的一个地方出发,走了 20 公里后,你被直升机接走了,那么你应该说 you walked through the desert, until you found the helicopter.


对于沙漠而言,through 和 across 都可以使用。如果你成功穿越了沙漠,那就用 across。如果你中途放弃了,那么 through 的意思是“借道而行”,这就使用了 across。

  • 第二组

“Walk through the tunnel”

“Walk across the tunnel”

“Walk through the tunnel” 的意思是,从隧道的一端进入,从另一端出来。

“Walk across the tunnel” 可能也表示同样意思,但前提是上下文有这样的设定。它还可以表示以下含义:从隧道的一个侧门进入,从另一个侧门出去(即走捷径,而不是全程穿过);或者从隧道上方经过(例如,如果隧道是地下隧道,而公路在上面经过);或者类似的变体意思。

In general, “through” implies the entrance into something and then exiting from the other end, whereas “across” implies the act of crossing something, without necessarily going inside it.


Through focuses on the “in-out” aspect, emphasizing the traversal along the long side.

Across emphasizes “surface passage,” focusing on the traversal along the short side.

Summary: Use “through” only when it involves a sense of “being inside.”

  • Group 3

The difference between “through” and “across” is that “through” is used to describe movement in three-dimensional space. It is also used to describe inward movement.

When discussing grass and lawns, use “through” if the area is covered with tall or long grass:

When my dog runs through long grass, it’s difficult to find him.

However, use “across” if the area is covered with short or small grass or a lawn.


For grasscovered places, focus on grass height. Use “through” for tall grass and “across” for short grass.

  • Group 4

As the name suggests, “across” is used to describe transverse movement of a person or object. On the other hand, “through” denotes movement from one side of a passage toward the other side.

She walked through the pool.

She walked across the pool.

Initially, these two sentences may appear similar, but examining their literal meanings reveals the difference. In the first example, “through” means by way of, while in the second example, “across” means side to side.


Through: Emphasizes passage or permeation through. Pool is considered a means and pathway.

Across: Emphasizes traversal and crossing from one edge to the other. Pool is considered a span or boundary.

Summary: “Through” is used for traversing to the other side, not emphasizing reaching it. “Across” implies completing the movement from one side to the other. This explanation aligns with the previous desert example.

  • Group 5

As the name signifies, “across” indicates crosswise arrangement or movement from one end or side to the other. On the other hand, “through” refers to movement in and out of an enclosed space.

“Across” is used for movement in two-dimensional open spaces such as fields, ground, bridges, roads, etc. Conversely, “through” is used for movements in three-dimensional enclosed spaces such as tunnels, doorways, forests, etc.


  • The dog ran across the garden and then disappeared after some time.
  • That house across the street belongs to my uncle.
  • I came across your profile suddenly.


  • Amar was penalized for driving through a red light.
  • Our car passed through the tunnel.
  • He hit the nail through the hammer.


With “across,” the terrain is flat, and the movement occurs on a two-dimensional plane.

With “through,” the terrain is立体, enclosed, and bounded on all sides, forming a three-dimensional encasement. Examples include tunnels, bushes, crowds, doorways, forests, etc. Movement occurs within this three-dimensional space.

Based on the dictionary entries and native English speakers’ explanations, we can identify some patterns. Here is a summary of these patterns:

General Principles:

1. Across: Surface, two-dimensional, emphasizes crossing

2. Through: Interior, three-dimensional, emphasizes pathway

Specific Scenarios:

1. 【Places Where Ground and Space Intersect】

When the area is enclosed, forming a three-dimensional space, and the movement involves passing through this space, use “through.” If the movement does not pass through, but instead traverses the surface, use “across.” Common examples include doorways, crowds, tunnels, forests, etc.

For instance, when someone walks through a forest, “through” is used. However, if a plane flies from one side of a forest to the other, “across” is used.

across 和 through 的区别

2. 【仅地面】



across 和 through 的区别

3. 【水面上下】


Swim across the river. 强调从河的一侧游到了另一侧。强调的是游过去了,战胜了河流,重点在人的位置。

Swim through the river. 强调在水下(或者水面水下交替)游了过去。强调的是怎么过的河,水路过的,重点在方式。

across 和 through 的区别

4. 【天桥】


across 和 through 的区别



across 和 through 的区别



across 和 through 的区别

7. 【公园、绿地】


across 和 through 的区别
> 8. 【草丛、灌木丛】
– 如果草丛、灌木丛较矮,可忽略其高度并强调横向位置感,则使用 across。
– 如果它们较高,产生躲藏感,则使用 through。
– 没有具体语境时,两个词均可使用。

> 9. 【管道】
对于管道类物体,如果物体内部可通行,无论是人、水流还是河流,则使用 through。如果物体外部可通过,沿着管道直径移动,则使用 across。例如,一个直径 10 米、长度几十公里的管道。对于直径一端的移动,使用 across;对于沿着管道内部的移动,无论是否到达另一端,使用 through。
