
_____ your dreams, and one day they might bear fruit.

A. Stifle

B. Cherish

C. Repressing


今天小编准备给大侠们分享由hold组成的几个高频词组。1. 词组hold back的意思是“阻止”或“克制(情感)”。比如:No one can hold back the wheel of history.没人能阻止历史前进的车轮。She just managed to hold back her anger.她设法抑制住了自己的怒火。2. 词组hold on的一个常见意思是“别挂掉(电话)”,比如:Can you hold on? I’ll see if he’s here.你别挂电话好吗?我去看看他在不在。hold on还有一个意思是“(让人)等一下”。比如女朋友总会在你出门前说一句:Hold on for a minute, I’ve just got to put on my makeup.等一下,我把妆化好。3. 词组hold on to的常见意思是“坚持(信念、原则等)”,比如:Hold on to your dreams and one day they may just come true.坚持你的梦想,或许有天梦想可以成为现实。 (梦想还是要有的,万一哪天实现了呢!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و)该词组还有“紧紧抓住”的意思。比如:Hold on to the rope and don’t let go.紧紧抓住那条绳子,别松手。今天的知识点就到这里啦。如果这些词组你都能hold住,那就快去答题吧!~


I had to _____ (克制,忍住) my tears as he left.

A. hold back

B. hold on

C. hold on to

—Hello, may I speak to Jim? — _____, please.

A. Hold back

B. Hold on to

C. Hold on

_________ your ticket – you’ll need it later

A. Hold on to

B. Hold on

C. Hold back


在近几年全国和各地中高考、CET4、CET6和考研试卷中,由hold组成的词组多次出现,以下是两个例子:Many women still feel that they are being held back by a male culture, particularly in the professional services sector.-May I speak to Mr. Smith? –Hold on, please. Here he comes.