OA 的含义

OA 是面向组织的日常运作和管理,员工及管理者使用频率最高的应用系统。自上世纪八十年代国内召开第一次办公自动化规划会议以来,OA 在应用内容的深度与广度、IT 技术运用等方面都有了新的变化和发展,并成为组织不可或缺的核心应用系统,主要推行的是一种无纸化办公模式。
OA 是 office automation 的简写,也就是办公自动化的意思。

OA 系统四大功能模块

一个好的办公环境,办公条件,工作有序进行、各部门组织协调等都是离不开行政管理。但如果单纯的靠人工管理,就会出现费时、费力,进而导致效率低下,造成企业各方面的浪费。而 OA 系统一般采用的四大工作模式,就解决了工作管理问题。
一般 OA 办公系统有以下这四大工作模式:
1. 企业通知公告
OA 系统中的通知公告包含了文件的起草、领导的审核、发布、全员提醒、浏览回复、及时搜索等几个功能。同时也支持添加文件附件功能,在线阅览下载等。
2. 企业流程规范化管理
3. 人事档案管理
一般企业都会有 HR 管理系统,OA 就是一个简版的人事记录模块,帮助企业记录员工信息,如果需要招聘等功能,建议添加 HR 模块,包含招聘、人才信息库、用人申请等管理内容。
4. 各部门、各分公司的协作管理
协作管理是企业中存在的严重问题,这是因为有时间、区域的不同,相互协作难上加难,OA 系统的协作功能。
以上便是 OA 系统的四大功能模块,也是 OA 系统的基础功能,同时也是企业中需要的核心必然模块,在企业中的使用率也是很高的。

Facilitate the transmission and reception of daily work documents, integrate them into the system, and address administrative issues efficiently through online channels. This encompasses tasks such as generating work reports, submitting business trip requests, managing procurement processes, handling reimbursements, processing leave requests, and other related administrative procedures.

3. Management of Personnel Records

Most companies utilize HR management systems. OA offers a streamlined version of personnel record management to aid in documenting employee details. For additional functionalities such as recruitment, it is advisable to incorporate a dedicated HR module. This comprehensive module includes features like recruitment management, maintaining a talent database, processing employment applications, and other relevant administrative tasks.

4. Streamlined Coordination Across Departments and Branches

Efficient collaboration management remains a significant challenge within enterprises due to geographical and time zone differences. The collaboration feature of the OA system addresses this issue.

Irrespective of departmental or branch distinctions, the OA system facilitates seamless collaboration. It serves as an internal knowledge repository, accessible to authorized personnel, fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration.

These constitute the four functional modules of the OA system, serving as its foundational components. They represent essential functionalities crucial for enterprise operations, and are widely utilized across organizations.