1. You look wonderful today. (You look fantastic today.) [A great way to start every day!]

2. You performed brilliantly. (You did a superb job.) [The most widely used compliment internationally!]

3. We are immensely proud of you. (We are exceptionally proud of you.) [The highest level of praise!]

4. I am highly satisfied with your work. (I am very pleased with your work.) [A formal and sincere expression of appreciation!]

5. This is truly an exceptional place. (This is a truly wonderful place.) [A spontaneous compliment that can make a big impact!]

6. You are looking sharp! (You look fabulous/amazing/beautiful.) [A unique compliment!]

7. You always have the perfect words. = 8. You are highly eloquent. (You always know exactly what to say.) [A sophisticated compliment!]

9. Great work! = You did an excellent job. (Well done!) [A very authentic way to express praise!]

10. The meal is delightful. (This is delicious.) [The most common, yet essential compliment!]

11. Every dish is exquisite. (Everything is utterly delectable.)

12. Your child is adorable. (Your son/daughter is incredibly cute.) [A compliment that foreigners absolutely love to hear!]

13. What a precious baby! (That’s such a cute baby.) [Feel free to use this one generously!]

14. I greatly admire your work. = 15.

15. I have great respect for your work. (I genuinely respect your work.) [Universally appropriate!]

16. You possess an exceptional character. (You have a truly remarkable personality.) [A very safe choice for a compliment!]

17. Your sense of humor is delightful. (You are so funny.) [A compliment that Americans particularly appreciate!]

18. Your Chinese language skills are astonishing. (I am amazed by your Chinese.) [A truly unique compliment!]

19. Your English proficiency is extraordinary. (I can’t believe your English skills.) [Using a six-star adjective!]

20. Your business is a shining example of success. (Your business venture is highly successful.) [A compliment that modern individuals adore hearing!]

21. You exemplify true professionalism. (You are an exceptional professional.) [A highly professional compliment!]

22. Your company is truly impressive. (I am deeply impressed by your organization.)

23. You are an individual of outstanding intellect. (You are highly intelligent.)

24. I sincerely envy you. (I deeply admire your qualities.)

25. Your wife exudes charm. (Your wife is incredibly charismatic.)

26. You are a perfectly matched couple. (You two are a match made in heaven.)

27. You are truly gifted and talented. (You possess exceptional abilities.)

28. That color suits you extremely well. (You look fantastic in that color.)

29. You possess excellent taste. (You have impeccable taste.)

30. You look absolutely stunning. = You look outstanding. =You look like a movie star. (You look like a million bucks.)

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