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On July 23rd afternoon at exactly 2 pm, ASUS ROG held its 2019 product launch event in Beijing. The main attraction of the launch event was the much-anticipated ASUS ROG Gaming Phone 2. Let’s dive right in and take a closer look at the phone.

The ROG Gaming Phone 2 is a dedicated gaming phone jointly developed by ASUS and Tencent.

The ROG Gaming Phone 2 comes equipped with Qualcomm’s latest and greatest processor, the Snapdragon 855 Plus. This time, ROG has made notable achievements in heat dissipation. In addition to internal heat dissipation structure adjustments, the ROG Gaming Phone 2 also supports external heat dissipation, ensuring that it maintains peak performance even after hours of gaming.

The ROG Gaming Phone 2 features a 120Hz gaming display with a 240Hz touch sampling rate. Several popular games developed by Tencent already support a 120Hz refresh rate, ensuring that images are crystal clear. This allows gamers to fully immerse themselves in and enjoy a range of thrilling games.

The ROG Gaming Phone 2 sports the world’s fastest responsive touchscreen. When compared to other leading smartphones, the ROG Gaming Phone 2 reigns supreme. It also supports fingerprint recognition.华硕ROG游戏手机 2:专为游戏而生
继承了上一代产品,ROG游戏手机 2配备了全套附件。双屏扩展盒 2可实现分屏操作,内置5000mAh大电池,持续供电。双控手柄为玩家带来沉浸式游戏体验。
ROG游戏手机 2背部的Aura灯效依旧夺目,根据不同的游戏战绩显示专属光效,为你增添游戏氛围。王者荣耀定制手机壳也十分亮眼,在出现精彩击杀时,壳体会根据情况闪烁,内置NFC芯片让你轻松更换桌面主题。
针对系统底层,ROG游戏手机 2进行了网速优化,STORM技术保障网络稳定。Solar Core则通过快速加载游戏,减少等待时间。
ROG游戏手机 2搭载骁龙855 Plus旗舰芯片,性能卓越,可轻松应对各类游戏。
经典版 12G+512G:5999元
腾讯定制精英版 8G+128G:3499元