To foster the efficient and high-value utilization of phosphorus resources, eight government departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission, have jointly issued the 推进磷资源高效高值利用实施方案 (Implementation Plan for Promoting Efficient and High-Value Utilization of Phosphorus Resources), which will be referred to as the “Plan” below.

China has recently released a plan to improve the utilization of phosphorus resources, aiming for greater effectiveness and efficiency in the years ahead. By 2026, the country is expected to see consistent improvements in the innovation, eco-friendliness and safety of its phosphorus chemical industry, coupled with a remarkable increase in the output of high-end phosphorus products, according to the plan issued by eight state organs including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission.




In its development goals, the Plan proposes that by 2026, the ability to sustainably secure phosphorus resources will have been greatly optimized, innovation in the phosphorus chemical industry will have made steady progress, the environmental safety levels of this industry will have steadily improved, the supply capacity of high-end phosphorus chemical products will have been significantly increased, leveraging regional advantages and driving interconnected development will have become more robust, and the resilience and safety of the industry’s supply chain will have been further improved. Specifically: in terms of innovation-led development, breakthroughs will be made in a plethora of key technologies, including the efficient mining, clean production, and comprehensive utilization of phosphorus resources; in terms of structural innovation, there will be a marked improvement in the capacity utilization of traditional products such as ammonium phosphate and yellow phosphorus, and there will be a continuous optimization of revenue share of non-agricultural products such as phosphorus-containing chemicals and other products of high added value within the phosphorus chemical industry; in terms of green development, the proportion of ammonium phosphate production capacity that is above the energy efficiency benchmark will exceed 35%, while the rate of harmless treatment of newly added phosphate gypsum will reach 100%, and the comprehensive utilization rate will reach 65%; and in terms of ecological development, there will be around 3 top-tier phosphorus chemical enterprises, each of which will have industry leadership and global competitiveness, while around 3 advanced manufacturing clusters of distinctive character will be constructed.

In addition, the Plan outlines a series of measures from such perspectives as “strengthening resource security support,” “enhancing innovation and development capacity,” “optimizing and adjusting the industrial structure,” and “promoting safe and green transformation.”



It is necessary to soundly plan and build a new energy system to promote the complementary development of multiple energy resources such as water, wind, solar power, hydrogen and natural gas. It is essential to strengthen the production and supply of food and strategic mineral resources, building Sichuan into a strategic base to ensure the supply of important primary products for national needs.



We will consolidate our leading position in industries where we excel, work faster to shore up weaknesses in sectors vital to China’s development security, and improve our capacity for securing the supply of strategic resources.




phosphorus chemical industry


strategic mineral resources

