January and May:逆龄恋的代名词
January and May源自一个趣味典故,故事中的角色分别是名叫January的男爵和名叫May的年轻姑娘。男爵在60岁高龄时迎娶了年轻貌美的May。他们的这段姻缘引起了人们的调侃,January and May也因此成为了“逆龄恋”的代名词。
He is 19 years older than Mary. It’s a January and May marriage.
也可以用December and May来表示,因为December是年末,与老年、晚年的意象契合。May-December romance则特指忘年恋。真爱不分年龄嘛!
To have January chicks:老来得子
月份与俚语的联系不止于此。To have January chicks并非“一月生小鸡”,而是指“老来得子”。与January and May中男爵老来得妻子的故事相呼应。
His parents gave birth to him when they were fifty-five. He is really a January chicks.
A cold day in July:小概率事件
Joe got an A+ this semester?That’s a cold day in July.
That Monday morning feeling:周一综合症

I’m feeling the Monday blues.


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