
天龙八部 film location This is the primary film location of the popular historical drama “Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils,” and the largest film city in Western China. Strolling through the city, visitors will enjoy the lively entertainment of jugglers, embroidered ball tossers, and traditional shadow play performances.

Captivating marriage selection performance The film city presents performances at set intervals throughout the day. We were treated to a particularly engaging “Marriage Selection” show featuring a chase, a confrontation with Zhao Tianba, and a horse patrol–all culminating in an interactive embroidered ball selection of the groom.

Xi Zhou town: Indulge in an authentic Xi Zhou pastry

A former military stronghold of the Southern Zhao Kingdom, now a tranquil Bai village Xi Zhou is located approximately 18 kilometers north of Dali Ancient City. Nestled amidst the town are more than 100 historical residences, creating a serene and charming atmosphere. The grandeur of the past can be experienced at the Yan Family Mansion, once the residence of one of Xi Zhou’s most prominent families.

The birthplace of the Xi Zhou pastry As the origin of this delicious delicacy, Xi Zhou Town is the ideal place to savor the authentic Xi Zhou pastry.和尚破酥喜洲粑粑 is a well-regarded bakery for this treat.

Wa Se: Scenic views of Cang Er and Cang Shan

Stunning scenery of Cang Er Lake and Cang Shan Wa Se Town, on the eastern shore of Cang Er Lake, provides a panoramic view of the surrounding beauty. The short road from Shuang Lang to Wa Se offers breathtaking sights: the pristine waters of Cang Er Lake below, the rugged Cang Shan Mountains stretching beyond, and picturesque sunsets stretching from horizon to horizon.

Birthplace of Bai culture Wa Se is notable for its abundance of ancient Bai architecture, particularly gate towers. Within its borders, numerous temples can be found, including the Sha Mo Temple and the Chong Fu Temple, which is the origin point of the Chicken Foot Mountain pilgrimage site.

Nan Zhao Cultural Island: Enchanting views surrounded by azure waters

One of the three islands in Cang Er Lake Nan Zhao Cultural Island sits majestically on the northeastern side of the lake, facing the Shuang Lang Village. This picturesque island is surrounded by serene waters and boasts an abundance of attractions.

The world’s tallest white jade Guanyin statue The Guanyin statue, an awe-inspiring work of art, stands at around 18 meters high. Carved meticulously from lustrous white jade, it is a remarkable representation of the Asayama Guanyin statue from the Dali period.