
Long ago, there lived an elderly farmer who sowed a patch of rice. Following the planting of the seedlings, he diligently ventured to the field each day to observe their growth. Witnessing the tender shoots piercing through the soil and gradually elongating, he couldn’t help but feel they were progressing sluggishly. Consumed by impatience, he conceived a notion. One by one, he gingerly uprooted the young plants, thinking to hasten their development. The next morning, eager to assess his “achievement,” he was dismayed to find all the disturbed seedlings withered and lifeless.

Enhancing Growth through Pulling Seedlings

In ancient times, there existed a farmer who, having sown rice seedlings, harbored hopes for an early harvest. Each day, upon visiting the rice paddies, he noted the excruciatingly slow growth of the seedlings. Frustration gnawing at him, he finally stumbled upon what he deemed the “optimal method”: elevating the seedlings by a fraction. At dawn the following day, he hastened to the fields to behold his “accomplishment,” only to discover, to his chagrin, the demise of all the manipulated seedlings.

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VI. Strategies at the Midpoint

Three rival shopkeepers leased adjacent units in a mall, prompting anticipation of chaos.

The merchant on the right erected massive banners proclaiming “Colossal Sale!” and “Unbeatable Bargains!”

The leftward store countered with larger signs boasting “Prices Slashed!” and “Incredible Discounts!”

Meanwhile, the proprietor in the center devised a sizable sign bearing a simple message: “ENTRANCE”.

Strategic Maneuvering

Three business owners vied for attention with neighboring shops on a commercial street, awaiting a spectacle.

The rightmost retailer displayed grand signage announcing, “Massive Discounts!” and “Irresistible Deals!”

Conversely, the leftward establishment unveiled even larger banners declaring, “Prices Slashed!” and “Enormous Savings!”

In contrast, the intermediary merchant crafted a prominent sign with a straightforward directive: “ENTRANCE”.

VII. Pleasant Encounters

Amidst World War II, numerous young British women served in the military, among them Joan Phillips. Stationed at a sizable encampment, she encountered scores of men, both officers and soldiers.

One evening, she crossed paths with Captain Humphreys at a dance. “I depart overseas tomorrow,” he remarked, “but I’d be delighted if we corresponded.” Joan consented, thus initiating months of correspondence.

Subsequently, the letters ceased, replaced by one from another officer, disclosing his injury and hospitalization in England.

Joan promptly visited, informing the matron, “I’ve come to see Captain Humphreys.”

“Only relatives may visit the patients here,” the matron stipulated.

“No problem,” Joan replied. “I’m his sister.”

“Delighted to make your acquaintance,” the matron responded. “I’m his mother!”

VIII. The Duo of Soldiers

Two soldiers stationed in camp, George and Bill, engaged in conversation. “Bill, do you possess paper and an envelope?” inquired George.

“Indeed, I do,” affirmed Bill, passing them over.

George continued, “I lack a pen.” Bill obliged, providing his own. With the tools in hand, George penned his missive. Upon sealing it within the envelope, he queried, “Bill, do you have a stamp?” Bill provided one.

Preparing to depart, Bill headed for the door, prompting George to inquire, “Are you leaving?”

“Yes, indeed,” confirmed Bill, opening the door.

“Kindly deposit my letter in the office box, and…” George paused.

“What else do you require?” queried Bill.

George glanced at the envelope and inquired, “What’s your girlfriend’s address?”

At the military encampment, two soldiers, George and Bill, engaged in conversation. “Bill, do you happen to possess paper and an envelope?” George inquired.



















