Retuned iPhone XR and Samsung Note 9 Performance Comparison

Due to the hefty price tag of the iPhone XS, many budget-conscious consumers have shifted their attention to the significantly more affordable iPhone XR. However, concerns have been raised regarding the iPhone XR’s performance, primarily due to its limited 3GB of RAM.

iPhone XR vs. Samsung Note 9

Surprisingly, in a recent performance comparison conducted by PhoneBuff, the 3GB RAM iPhone XR initially outperformed the 8GB RAM Samsung Note 9 in the first round of speed testing, which involved launching and manipulating 16 apps and games. The iPhone XR completed this task approximately 15 seconds faster than the Note 9.

iPhone XR

However, in the second round of testing, which involved reloading the previously launched apps in reverse order, the Note 9’s superior RAM capacity allowed it to make up almost all of the time lost in the first round.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Ultimately, the iPhone XR concluded the test at 2 minutes, 38 seconds, and 33 milliseconds, while the Note 9 finished at 2 minutes, 38 seconds, and 48 milliseconds. Within the margin of error, the two devices achieved an essentially identical result.