Unit 4: We Love Animals Lesson 1: Introducing Animal Friends

Learning Objectives:

  1. Knowledge Objectives:
    1. Understand and use the sentence structure “What’s this? It’s a…” during group activities.
    2. Identify and pronounce the words “duck,” “pig,” “cat,” “dog,” and “bear” through letter introductions, image representations, sound imitation, picture puzzles, and headband conversations.
    3. Introduce the new letter “Kk” by reviewing the letter “Cc,” and learn its pronunciation and example words “kite” and “Kate.”
  2. Competency Objectives:
    1. Use the sentence structure “What’s this? It’s a…” to inquire about and respond to animal names, supported by images, objects, or context.
    2. Associate letter sounds with their respective pronunciations in words.
  3. Affective Objectives:
    1. Cultivate a sense of empathy for animals and promote animal welfare.
    2. Recognize onomatopoeias for animal sounds in English.

Learning Strategy: Foster connections between word sounds, meanings, and forms by learning words and phrases as a whole to achieve integration.

Learning Focus:

  1. Knowledge Objectives:
    1. Understanding and using the sentence structure “What’s this? It’s a…” during group activities.
    2. Identifiying and pronouncing the words “duck,” “pig,” “cat,” “dog,” and “bear” through letter introductions, image representations, sound imitation, picture puzzles, and headband conversations.
    3. Introducing the new letter “Kk” by reviewing the letter “Cc,” and learning its pronunciation and example words “kite” and “Kate.”
  2. Competency Objectives:
    1. Using the sentence structure “What’s this? It’s a…” to inquire about and respond to animal names, supported by images, objects, or context.
    2. Associating letter sounds with their respective pronunciations in words.