hold by

Throughout the whole struggle, they held by their principles.在整个斗争中,他们始终坚持自己的原则。


I don’t hold by some of the strange ideas you believe in.我不赞成你所信奉的某些奇怪的思想。

hold on to
1. 抓紧,抓住:

Hold on to my hand tightly while we cross the street.过马路时,抓紧我的手。

Don’t panic; just hold on to that rock and I’ll come and fetch you down.不要害怕;抓住那块石头,我就来接你下来。

2. 保持,不要放弃/卖掉:

It’s not enough to take over the lead; we must hold on to it!领先了还不够;我们必须保持住!

I should hold on to these bonds; they’ll surely appreciate considerably.我们不要卖掉这些债券,它们肯定会大大增值的。

hold to
1. 坚持(意见、诺言等);(使)遵循:

He held to his beliefs in spite of cruel treatment.尽管受到残酷的虐待,他还是坚持自己的信仰。

If he tries to leave early, we shall hold him to the contract.如果他试图早离开,我们会坚持让他遵守合同的。

This man held to his first statement, notwithstanding that several persons contradicted him.jpg这个人坚持他最先的说法,尽管有几个人的说法与他的不一致。

After considering various alternatives, we decided to hold to our original plan.在考虑了各种选择方案之后,我们决定坚持原来的计划。

2. 抓紧;把……拴/系/固定在……上:

Hold tightly to the railing when you come down the steps.下台阶时,抓紧栏杆。

These are very poor fasteners holding the pipes to the wall, and they will soon break.这些把管子固定在墙上的紧固件质量很差,不久就会断裂的。


I insist that he work be finished by tomorrow.我坚持要求这项工作明天完成。


She insisted that they were all guilty.她坚持说他们都有罪。

keep on

Even if you fail, keep on trying.即便你失败了,也要继续尝试。

keep to
1. (使)遵循,遵守:

Please keep to the instructions.请遵守指示。

2. 坚持不懈(做某事):

He kept to his exercise routine.他一直坚持他的锻炼计划。

3. 留(在……里面):

She kept to her room.她待在自己的房间里。

4. (使)不离开主题:

Let’s keep to the main point of our discussion.让我们坚持讨论主题。

(7)persevere表示“坚持,固守”,尤其用于困难、令人厌倦的事,强调坚忍、孜孜不倦、不屈不挠,与in, at, with连用。

If you continue to focus on your search for a job, you’re sure to find something suitable in the end.如果你坚持找一份工作,你最终总会找到某个合适的差事的。

It’s not easy to persevere with such dull work, but it has to be finished.坚持做这种乏味的工作是不容易的,但必须完成它。

So long as you persevere in your studies, you’ll succeed in time.只要你孜孜不倦地钻研下去,最终你会成功的。


Why does the boy keep behaving in the same way despite his parents’ warnings?为什么那个男孩坚持他那令人厌烦的行为?

If this behavior of yours continues without change, it could lead to serious trouble.如果你坚持这种行为不改,可能会导致严重的麻烦。

Why do you keep interrupting me when I have repeatedly asked you to stop?为什么我一再让你别这么做,你还老是打断我?

Despite hardships, Mary was determined to continue her efforts to get a college education.尽管有许多艰难困苦,玛丽还是继续努力接受大学教育。


She insisted that Jack was innocent of the crime.她坚持说杰克没有犯罪。

He told everyone at the party that he was quite recovered.他反复对参加聚会的每个人说,他的身体已恢复得很好了。

(9)stand by也可表示“忠于(某人);支持;站在……一边;遵守;坚持”。

Ours are all developing countries and should stand with one another.我们都是发展中国家,应该互相支持。

A real friend is one who will stand by you through thick and thin.一个真正的朋友应是与你同甘共苦的人。

One should always stand by his promises.一个人应永远遵守诺言。

Do you still stand by what you said yesterday?你仍然坚持昨天说的话吗?

(10)stand on也可表示“按……行事;坚持”, on为介词。

I stand on my rights in this matter, and will take the matter to court if necessary.对这件事,我将坚持自己的权利,必要时将诉诸法律。

Do you still stand on your original point of view?你仍然坚持你原来的观点吗?

(11)stay with也可表示“坚持,继续使用”。

Shall we continue with the present arrangements until a better plan is thought out?我们是否坚持目前的方案直到想出一个更好的计划?

How long have you used this approach?你坚持用这种方法多久了?

(12)stick by表示“忠于(某人);遵循(思想、原则、诺言等)”。

His family can be trusted to stick by him no matter what happens.不论发生什么事,都可以相信他的家庭忠于他。

We are good friends who have supported each other in good times or bad.我们是不论在顺境还是逆境都能互相忠于对方的好朋友。

(13)stick to可表示:


The mat seems to be stuck to the floor, I can’t move it.这个垫子似乎牢牢地黏在了地板上,我无法移动它。


Stick close to me and you won’t get lost.紧跟着我,你就不会迷路。

The ship had to stick to shore because of the heavy mist.因为大雾,轮船只好贴着海岸航行。


When you’re asked to give an account of the accident, do stick to the fact, don’t guess.当叫你来说明这场事故时,一定要实事求是,不要主观臆想。

When writing an article, stick to one style throughout.在写文章时,自始至终要遵循一种风格。

His family can be trusted to stick to him always.他的家庭非常忠于他,这一点是可以信得过的。


He made every effort to stick to the job he had.他千方百计试图保住他那份工作。

The old ladies were determined to stick to their homes in spite of the new road going through.尽管新道路从中穿过,这些老太太还是决心保住自己的家园。


If you stick to practicing the piano every day, you’ll certainly become quite a good musician.如果你坚持每天练习弹琴,你肯定会成为一名非常优秀的音乐家。

Learning any skill is largely a matter of sticking to it until you can do it better.学习任何一门手艺大致上都是个熟能生巧的问题。