编者按:2013年,中国国家主席习近平在访问哈萨克斯坦和印度尼西亚期间,提出了共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的重大倡议, marking the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative this year. Over the past decade, the Belt and Road Initiative has witnessed a growing number of participating countries, deepening cooperation, and a brighter future. It has emerged as a highly sought-after international public good and a significant platform for international collaboration.

On numerous important domestic and international occasions, President Xi Jinping has eloquently introduced the profound historical significance embedded within the Belt and Road Initiative, elaborating on its core principles, substantial implications, and promising prospects. CCTV.com’s “Learning Everyday” column has carefully selected excerpts from President Xi Jinping’s speeches and writings to facilitate a deeper understanding.



“Peach and plum trees do not speak, yet a path is formed beneath them.” This adage, originating from Sima Qian’s “Records of the Grand Historian,” describes the esteemed Western Han Dynasty general Li Guang. Just as fruit trees silently bear fruit, attracting people who then create paths, Li Guang’s sincere character and noble conduct naturally garnered respect and admiration without self-promotion.

Born into a military family, Li Guang dedicated his life to defending against the Xiongnu, engaging in over seventy battles and earning both military achievements and the love of his soldiers and the people. His humility and selflessness, always fighting alongside his troops, made him a figure of fear for the Xiongnu, who dubbed him the “Flying General,” deterring them from approaching the border for years. Sima Qian praises Li Guang’s integrity, citing Confucius’s teachings on leadership by example, and emphasizes that Li Guang’s reputation was not sought but earned through genuine character.

Sima Qian’s portrayal of Li Guang deeply influenced later generations. The “Flying General Li Guang” became a recurring theme in literature, exemplified by Tang Dynasty poet Wang Changling’s verse: “If only the Flying General were here, the Xiongnu would never dare to cross Mount Yin.” Similarly, Gao Shi, another Tang poet, expressed the soldiers’ enduring respect: “Have you not seen the hardships of battlefield strife? We still remember General Li.”


Over the past decade, China has collaborated with countries along the Belt and Road, embracing the spirit of the Silk Road by fostering mutual trust, strengthening friendships, deepening cooperation, and increasing mutual support. This shared effort has yielded substantial and tangible achievements. The vision of the Belt and Road Initiative has transformed into reality, becoming the most extensive platform for international cooperation in alignment with economic globalization.

Reflecting on this extraordinary journey, we witness the Belt and Road Initiative advancing through exploration, improving through development, and maturing through collaboration. Guided by the principles of consultation, contribution, and shared benefits, along with the Silk Road Spirit of peace, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning, and win-win cooperation, we strive to create a community of shared future and shared interests, resonating deeply with participating nations. The Belt and Road Initiative is gaining widespread recognition and acceptance around the world, its core principles incorporated into relevant documents of the United Nations, the G20, APEC, and other regional organizations.

The Belt and Road Initiative is not an empty slogan; it is a series of concrete and tangible actions that bring substantial benefits to participating countries and regions. It serves as a path toward mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, fostering closer economic ties among nations, promoting infrastructure development, encouraging institutional innovation, creating new economic opportunities and jobs, and enhancing the endogenous growth potential and risk resilience of participating economies. As of June 2023, China had signed over 200 cooperation documents on jointly building the Belt and Road with 152 countries and 32 international organizations. Numerous major projects have taken root and flourished, marking the Belt and Road Initiative’s transition toward high-quality development.

A decade of cultivation has yielded a flourishing landscape. Standing at a new starting point, we aim to leverage the Belt and Road Initiative as a platform for international cooperation, injecting fresh impetus into global development. Together, let us transform the Belt and Road Initiative into a path of peace, prosperity, openness, green development, innovation, and civilization. As long as all countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative remain united, cooperative, and pioneering, we will ultimately usher in a future where all roads are interconnected, and people from all countries share in the beauty of common prosperity.

(作者 杨立新)
