

  • 分子使用基数词 (one, two, three…)。
  • 分母使用序数词 (first, second, third…)。
  • 当分子大于1时,分母需要用复数形式。


1. “1/2” 或 “一半”
one half 或 a half
例:半英里 – one (a) half mile 或 half one (a) mile
例:一个半小时 – an hour and a half 或 one and a half hours (注意:hour 用复数形式)
2. “1/4”
one (a) quarter
分子大于 1 时,quarter 用复数形式。
例:1/4 – one (a) quarter
例:3/4 – three quarters
3. 一般分数
分子(基数词)+ 分母(序数词)
分子大于 1 时,分母用复数形式。
分数大于 1 时,用“整数部分 + and + 分数”表示。
例:1/3 – one third 或 a third
例:5/6 – five sixths
例:8 3/5 – eight and three fifths
4. 复杂分数
分子(基数词)+ over + 分母(基数词)
例:51/80 – fifty-one over eighty
例:77/232 – seventy-seven over two hundred and thirty-two
5. “每…中有…”
分子(基数词)+ (out) of + every + 分母(基数词)
例:1/7 – one of every seven
例:5/9 – five out of every nine
例:一项调查表明这所大学大约有三分之二的学生来自中国。- An investigation shows that about two of every three students in this university are from China.
6. “每…中有一个…”
分子(基数词)+ in + 分母(基数词)
例:1/3 – one in three
例:5/6 – five in six
例:只有大约五分之一的书是为七到十岁的儿童写的。- Only about one in five books was written for children ranged from seven to ten years old.
7. 表示减少意义
减少意义的动词或词组 + 倍数 (表示减少了 n-1/n)
例:整个行程的时间缩短了三分之二(或缩短到原来的三分之一)。- The time for the whole journey is shortened 3 times.
8. 分数修饰名词
分数表示的值大于 1,名词用复数。
分数表示的值小于 1,名词用单数。
例:3 3/5 kilograms (读作 three and three fifths kilograms)
例:4/5 meter (读作 four fifths meter)
例:5/6 inch (读作 five sixths inch)
基数词 + percent
百分号 % 读作 percent (per cent),无复数形式。
常与 by 连用。
例:我们人体含 65% 水分。- Our bodies are 65 percent water.
例:地球表面的 75% 被水覆盖着。- Seventy-five percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water.
例:英语系 85% 的学生是女生。- Eighty-five percent of the students in the English department are girls.




6% six percent

0.58% (naught) point five eight percent

200% two hundred percent


The output of petroleum went up by twenty percent. 石油产量增长了20%。

The price of food was reduced by ten percent. 食品的价格下降了10%。

The loss of electricity has been reduced to less than thirty percent. 电的损耗减少到30%以下。


当 “分数(或百分数) + of + 名词” 构成名词词组作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于 of 后面名词的单复数形式。 例如:

Two thirds of the swampland has been reclaimed for farming. 三分之二的沼泽地已经开垦为农田了。(swampland 是单数名词,谓语动词用 has)

Over sixty percent of the doctors were women. 超过百分之六十的医生是女性。(doctors 是复数名词,谓语动词用 were)